

I made a lovely FOUR LAYER cake yesterday for my daughter's teacher.  I thought it turned out pretty nicely......it was yummy, too!


I did it!!

I did it!!!  Well, I haven't done it yet.....but I did sign up for it.......

The 2008 Walt Disney World Marathon!!!! 

 I've been thinking about doing this for a while, and finally decided to click on the "register" button.  I always wanted to run a marathon.....and now I get to!  And run through all four parks at Disney to boot!  And get my picture with Mickey! 

I think I can.....I think I can....I think I can.....I think I can.....


What a husband!

Isn't it fun when your husband goes along with your silly whims?

I left David a "Good luck" message today as he's interviewing for a position at work, and when I got home from my run this morning I saw that he had responded!


Happy Spring!


Today may have been the first day of Spring, but it almost felt like summer here in North Carolina.  I think it got up to near 80!  It looks like Spring, too---everything is blooming.  My pansies look great!  (Thanks to "I Must Garden" deer repellent!) We have a severe deer problem here.


I was so excited to receive a package from my sister Sallie yesterday! It was her "Spring Giveaway"----I won her drawing.  I've been enjoying a huge box of Spring goodies all day.  The gifts are all over my kitchen table.  Thank you so much Sallie!  Here's a link to her site: http://sparksinlifesengine.blogspot.com/



I was so very proud of a friend of mine this morning.  She's part of the group of ladies I run with every morning; she runs almost everyday (M-F).  Her farthest run up to now was six miles, but today she ran NINE with me!! We did it pretty easy, and walked up most of the bigger hills----but SHE DID IT!  She told me later this afternoon that she had to take a nap!  I don't blame her, I felt the same after my first couple of times of doing nine or more.  Actually, I felt like taking a nap, too, but  I staved it off.  I really had a lot to do around here, particularly climbing Mount Laundry leftover from our recent WONDERFUL trip to Florida and South Carolina.


"The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well and doing well whatever you do." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


We gave my son a new game for his birthday - "Disney's Pirate's Dice" - we all LOVE it!  What a fun game.  Only four can play, so we bought another box so that 8 could play.


Double Day!

Whew....what a day....I actually did a double workout today! After my 13.25 mile run yesterday, I woke up a little stiff.  But I got out there this morning and walked 3, then ran one more.  I was actually looking for my husband who was running and my two daughters who where on bikes.....never did meet up with them.

Late this afternoon, my son who is just recovered from a broken foot, needed a little inspiration to do his track workout for the day.  It's hard coming back from sports injury!  Anyway, he and I ran a half mile, then did eight 200 meter repeats (with a walk back recovery).  That's the first track workout I've done in along time.  I tried to stay right on his sholder.  The first two he was way ahead, but then I got my old running form back.  It was a great workout!

I have learned quite a few new games this week----Toss UP!  might be my favorite....simple , but fun.  My boys have enjoyed Goblet....kind of like tic-tac-toe or connect four, but much more complicated. They took the game to a whole new level last night!

Time for more games with the boys (the girls are asleep). 

Go a play with someone you love!



I finally found a little color in my yard!

These are my tete-a-tete daffodils and my camillias.

My pansies are really perking up, too!

Beautiful day today!

Didn't get a run in this morning as we had house guests that were leaving today.  That's okay, rest is good, too!




Two new friends!

We recieved a very special package yesterday from Oregon - when we opened it, out popped two new friends!