

So, did you know that tomorrow is Sinterklaas Day?

A girl in my daughter's class celebrates Sinterklaas Day to honor her Dutch heritage.  The family so kindly ordered Dutch Chocolate letters (traditionally given to each child on this day) for each student in my daughter's class -- ordered months in advance to insure the timely arrival.  The mother of the girl called me and told me she was terribly sorry, but that the letter clearly stated that they may contain nuts.  I frequently have to provide safe alternatives for my daughter who has severe food allergies; so last night I made my daughter a lovely "C" for her to have tomorrow on Sinterklaas Day.

If you'd like to read about Sinterklaas Day, check out this web site which gives one family's experiences (Be sure to notice the vintage boxes for the chocolate letters on the left of the page):

Saint Nicholas Kids ::: One Family's Experience

Vroom & Cressmann Chocolate Letter Box

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun celebration!  I hadn't heard of that Day.  I love the idea of chocolate initials, yum!  What did you make C's initial from, special chocolate, or cookie dought?  Hum, do we have any Dutch in our genes?